Traffic policeman in Mumbai

People who drive in Mumbai have certain reactions when they see a traffic policeman stopping them, a feeling of fear or wonder whether they would be fined today or not or an instinct to just reach for the purse:). The usual tips given by everyone on how to handle the traffic cops when you are stopped go like this: offer money asap (after negotiating on it a bit) and you will be able to get away very cheap that way. And to never argue with them irrespective of whether you committed any offense or not, as he can always book you under some vague rule if you anger him and that will prove costlier than just slipping some notes to him. When anyone sees a traffic policeman on the road, he wonders, is the cop going to pick on me to stop now (irrespective of whether I am breaking a traffic rule or not!) and how cheap will I get away with...

Its a bit sad.. This isn't what thoughts a traffic policeman should stir up in anyone, right? It should just make you more aware about how you are driving and if you are breaking a rule or not. Isn't there a gap somewhere?

What does a traffic policeman work towards? Is it to have better driving sense among the people, to control traffic or it is just how much money you make today? There seems to be a huge misalignment of aims somewhere..

One example I definitely should quote. In Delhi, on the Ring Road, there is a flyover in Punjabi Bagh. There is always a traffic police detachment at the other end of the flyover, with the cops standing with a speed gun to stop almost every car that descends the flyover. Its the usual location used by any traffic policeman who wants to make up his monthly salary:). Whats the aim of standing there? The cops know that when coming down a flyover the car speeds are always high, and they just wait there to make a quick buck there. Are they really managing the traffic or is it something else?

When a traffic cop stops you, its more based on what he thinks he can make off you.. If you are the vulnerable sort, a college going student, or a young professional willing to pay money and get it done and over with - then you are the perfect candidate to be stopped.

Also when the traffic policeman stops you for an offense, if he finds you did not do that, he will try to check anything else he can think of to figure out some way he can get some money at least. Its something like if he stops you, he has to make money, and can't let you off just like that! In fact many times they mislead you too, 'you committed so and so offense and the fine for that is XYZ' (XYZ would actually be 5 times the actual fine!!) or it may not even be an offense!!! In such a situation, you may just pay half of the fine amount to get it over with and the cops day is made!! (it actually helps you to once go over the offenses list and the fines for each. At least you wont be swindled by a cop due to lack of information).

This can't be right..? But how do we correct it? The explanation given for such actions is always that the policeman earns so less, this is the way he survives, but again, this can't be's not...


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