Movie Review: Imitation Game

I don't like watching Hollywood movies much. And the reason is that they make me think (and sometimes make me feel sad). Much longer than having watched the movie. And Imitation Game is one such movie.

For one, it was about something I had not heard about till now. About Turin, about his contribution to the World War, about his machine, about how even though they broke the German's code, they decided not to go all out with their breakthrough, but balance out the short term gains with the long term aim; decide with their brains and not their hearts.

It was very very interesting, and I think the director and the actors did a brilliant job of it all. Benedict Cumberbatch was perfect for the role and he did it justice. It was all perfect.

But what I was left thinking about after the movie, was just the last 10(?) mins of the movie - what happened to Turin afterwards. The movie was about the Turin machine, and what happened after was just mentioned in passing. But that was all I left with - learning that a person of such intelligence, and such contribution to human lives in the world - had to commit suicide in his youth because of things beyond his control!!

Its so difficult to understand and accept it, I don't know what to feel. And I don't watch to judge the society of that time which let something like this happen - given that things haven't changed enough till now either, and in my culture that change hasn't even started to come. Judging here cannot help.

All you can do is feel helpless and angry and sad. That such things happen, all around, even today. And we can just talk about them and research on wiki and blog. But that is it.

Would give it 4 stars, but as I said, its tough to stop thinking about the man the movie told the story about, how could it be allowed to happen to him.


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