Remembering our soldiers...

There is one aspect of the Indian political and social systems which affects me everytime I read about it. Its how we forget our soldiers all the time. They are just there in the background, we remember them when there is a war, like the Kargil war but then they are forgotten and ignored again till the next time they are needed. Being from the defence background, it pains me more but even otherwise I think as a country its always important to remember those people who were willing to put down their life for as selfless a cause as their motherland...

Related to this topic, there are a lot of articles being written currently, remembering the forgotten soldiers of the First World War. The thousands of Indian soldiers who fought miles away in foreign lands for a country which was their ruler. They did not fight for our country, but they fought as our countrymen. And we should remember them for their bravery and selfless acts, shouldn't we?

One of the articles on these soldiers

Another article is on Sam Manekshaw, an ex-Chief of the Indian Army; a soldier to the core, who did what very few Chiefs before and after him have been able to do. He took a stand in front of the Prime Minister (Indira Gandhi) and refused to attack Bangladesh in a hurry at her whim (in 1971). As a military strategist, he recommended that India take time to build their plans, get ready for the attack, train the local Bangladesh population to take on Pakistan Army, and then go in with a clear plan of attack rather than just act in a hurry.

That act of his led to a shorter war with Bangladesh, saving hundreds of army casualties on the Indian side, and a definite win in the war. Rather than a terrible loss which would have happened if he just did what the politicians dictated.

He did what a leader would do - think and act. And of course paid the price for it - denied the benefits and status due to a Field Marshal. But at least he led and died the life of a soldier, with his head held high having done everything that was right for the country and the people he led.

Hats off!


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