Movie Review : Rocket Singh

Pros (very limited!!):

The story and concept of the movie is decent. Something new, something young, something fresh.. And it would have worked too if just the editing was a bit tight.

Acting was quite good too (all the 'directors' in the company have fit in their characters very well)


The pace of the movie is terribly slow, making you impatient and wishing that something concrete happens in the movie soon!!

Its not a comedy either as it seemed from the promos, though there are some jokes thrown in, here and there.

And last thing, some of the dialogues seem too much over the top.

Still its a hindi movie, so would give it 2 stars:)


  1. you're seriously on a roll, nahin? :)....beg to disagree here of the better movies i've seen this year....:)

  2. from somewhere on the internet....

    " If you resist reading what you disagree with, how will you ever acquire deeper insights into what you believe? The things most worth reading are precisely those that challenge our convictions.”

    so keep reading for deeper insights into yourself:) (my blog that is!!)


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