Movie Reviews: Piku

Piku is a tough one. To be honest, the movie is well crafted - the dialogues are individually funny, the acting is top class (Irfan and Amitabh as expected, and Deepika upping her game) and the story flows well too. But something doesn't add up!

Piku is the story of a Bengali girl, Piku and her father, Bhashkor da. Her father has constipation problems and hence behaves like a difficult person - loud, irritating, eccentric, quarrelsome and so on. So in one word - highly irritating. Piku loves him and takes good care of him, but it also means balancing her own life is tough for her. Finding a boyfriend, getting married, being on a date, work et al. And so she acts as tough and difficult as her father.

Then of course, is her colleague Syed; the local taxi owner (and the only normal person in the movie), Irfan - whose taxi drivers refuse to drive Piku anywhere! and Pike's aunt, Moushmi Chatterjee who provides entertainment with her very multiple marriages. All these characters provide a lot of entertainment with their bickering.

In between after Bhashkor has a heart attack, Piku, Irfan and Amitabh go on a road trip from Delhi to Calcutta where Irfan sees the family up close. As well as tries to solve Amitabh's bowel problems on the way. It provides an interesting play between all the characters and you start expecting a love story to emerge. But it doesn't.

Overall, the movie has a good flow to it, it provides lots of good laughs and feels quite realistic. The acting is great, the music and characterisations all fit into place. Deepika has come a long way from her 'can barely act' days, and Amitabh gives one of his best performances in recent times. But for me, all the shouting and fighting between Piku and her father was just too much. I came out of the movie thinking - what was their problem? And since when has constipation become such a big problem that it makes people and their relationships so tough?

That was something I just couldn't relate to. As well as the focus on the same jokes the whole time. I would go for 3 stars for the movie as it was well made. But surely not one for me.


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