Gabriel García Márquez

There are many authors that I have been impressed with, but Gabriel Garcia Marquez is a world apart. There are authors who write, and then there are authors who make you feel.. And Gabriel Garcia Marquez is one of them...

I have read 'Love In The Times Of Cholera', '100 Years Of Solitude', ' In Evil Hour' and ' Leaf Storm'. And each book had the same effect on me, it made me flow with the words. The whole writing style is so dreamy, so unreal, so poetic; its very tough to describe what you feel when you read his books.

The stories are actually very average, they are all over the place, unrealistic, sometimes even confused. But its his words which create the magic! They take you through a journey, where you forget yourself and just see the world that he wants you to see.. Its almost as if you are cut off from the rest of the world when you read his books, you flow with the stories, and come back to the real world only when you keep the book down...

And to think that I have read his translated work, and not the originals he wrote in Spanish, makes me wonder how much more wondrous his actual writing would be! Sometimes it even makes me want to learn Spanish, to be able to enjoy first hand what he actually created!!

Maybe this is what is called 'art and literature'...

P.S. June 2014: I am learning Spanish and picked up a Spanish book of Gabriel Garcia while walking the streets of Barcelona. Lets see when I get the read the real thing in its real version.


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