Movie Review: Ted

Ted, the latest from Mark Wahlberg, is a comedy unlike most of his previous movies which were mostly action-based. To be frank, I am not a fan of animations or other children's movies and don't enjoy them much. So expectedly, I wasn't keen on watching Ted either.

I went in with minimal expectations but surprisingly enjoyed the movie! To be honest, a movie about a walking-talking Teddy Bear has to be a children's movie! But Ted was more than that. It started out just like that, where a small boy's wish to have a friend of his own, a talking Teddy Bear brings joy to his life. His 'thunder-buddy' forever is the friend to him he never had, his constant companion and they both share a happy life together.

But once in adulthood, the same friendship weighs him down. He is not able to outgrow the carefree days of his childhood and the presence of Ted in his life makes sure this never happens. This is the premise of the movie, when Mark's girlfriend wants him to move forward in his life but that involves leaving Ted and their childhood behind. And how all three deal with it is the story of Ted.

It does get a little too sentimental and melodramatic but that I would say is not the best part of the movie anyways. What I enjoyed was the character of Ted. First, the cute walking teddy bear was a winner in itself. The animation is so brilliant, and he seems so cute. How can anyone not like it? Second, he is funny! Very funny! His dialogues are politically incorrect, his attitude fun and on the whole a big roller coaster ride.

Other than Ted's character, for me, the rest of the movie was a bore. Acting was fine. The whole drama complete with an action sequence and a miracle at the end really unrequired. But if you can just enjoy the humor that is Ted, you can still enjoy the movie.

I would go for 3 stars on this one!


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