
Showing posts from July, 2012

Movie Review: Cocktail

Cocktail, is it part of the new age Indian cinema that we see so often nowadays, a different and more realistic look at what we are rather than the nice image we still have of our society? Frankly, no. It's a bad movie, terrible actually but I would still recommend a watch. Why? Just because it is different and it does start out in a new direction even though it loses its way in between and ends up where it always has been... Anyways, let me first start with the characters. Deepika (Veronica): the first thing about her is that she looks hottt! I mean, really hot! And surprise surprise, I never thought I would say this but I think she acted, quite well in fact. Which is something new for her given her earlier movies. As for her character, its a rocking one. I wudn't go into whether what she does is right or wrong, but its just a well etched character, she is who she is, fun, carefree, independent and always partying. Its something different too, don't remember seeing many

An endless debate, the unresolved question : Reservation!

The issue of 'Reservation' in India has been debated endlessly for years now: in online forums, in social gatherings, in educational institutes.. everywhere. It's pitfalls have been debated, the advantages have been discussed, changes have been advocated to the system and so on. But it has still not been sorted out, it is still a highly inefficient and misused system which is not serving the purpose it was originally introduced for. There are endless stories coming out regularly on how the system doesn't work properly. The latest I read was this article  which shocks you with the fact that you can get an entrance into an engineering or a medical college by scoring a 0 in the exam!! Does this not make you feel frustrated? And shocked? And angry? Is this correct, is this what we want in our future? Don't countries achieve greatness based on merit alone? And we are creating a generation seeing merit give way to other considerations. The reason given for such a sys

Movie Review: Ted

Ted, the latest from Mark Wahlberg, is a comedy unlike most of his previous movies which were mostly action-based. To be frank, I am not a fan of animations or other children's movies and don't enjoy them much. So expectedly, I wasn't keen on watching Ted either. I went in with minimal expectations but surprisingly enjoyed the movie! To be honest, a movie about a walking-talking Teddy Bear has to be a children's movie! But Ted was more than that. It started out just like that, where a small boy's wish to have a friend of his own, a talking Teddy Bear brings joy to his life. His 'thunder-buddy' forever is the friend to him he never had, his constant companion and they both share a happy life together. But once in adulthood, the same friendship weighs him down. He is not able to outgrow the carefree days of his childhood and the presence of Ted in his life makes sure this never happens. This is the premise of the movie, when Mark's girlfriend wants hi