Movie Review : 7 Khoon Maaf

Why oh why! Why do I always give in to the temptation of going for a Hindi movie!! Aarrgghhh.. they do mostly tend to disappoint, but still there I am, at the next release, in queue to watch another new one, as soon as it releases! And I dont think either of the two is going to change, neither would the Hindi movies improve, nor would I give up on them:). So anyways that's that..

Now to the movie: it had a very interesting theme. A woman who murders seven of her husbands (P.S. who was the seventh one she murdered? I did not get it!!) should make for interesting viewing. But it did not. The pace of the story especially in the first half was sooo slow. And for what? Its not as if Susanna's character was being developed and explained. The movie just kept dragging on and on, slowly.

And with each husband, the sequence of events also became predictable. Susanna meets the guy, a song, a marriage, a hidden truth about him and a murder. Some of the deaths were not even justified. Death did not have to be the only route out. And for that matter, neither did marriage. (And Susanna did seem to have a really bad luck with men, more than usual for sure!!)

No, the storyline was surely not convincing enough. And so not even enjoyable. No thrills. No suspense. Just the same sequence repeated again and again and again. And I dont think Priyanka's makeup when she was old was natural as old. Looked more like she was sick rather than old. What torture! Vishal Bhardwaj, you have spoilt your brand image with this. A little more work on the script, character building and better editing may have salvaged this one. As of now, its not. Would give it just 1.5 stars.

P.S. There is only one highlight of the movie, the song 'Darling'. Fun!


  1. agree yaar...the movie was disappointing...theme was good and Priyanka impressed in parts...agree with your observation about her makeup and also the husbands characters werent sketched well and their entry seemed abrubpt!


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