
Showing posts from October, 2009

Banking Jokes - 001

2008-2009 was the year of the banker jokes..!! Hundreds being spread around at all times.. Everyone wanted to be a part of it, such jokes would be the best ways to start a conversation!! Some of them were quite funny, and most of them true too.. Here are some interesting ones.. will keep adding more as and when I come across more.. President Bush said clients shouldn't be concerned by all these bankclosings. If the bank is closed, you just use the ATM, he said. George Bush said that he is saddened to hear about the demise of Lehman brothers… His thoughts at this time go out to their mother as losing one son is hard but losing two is a tragedy. The problem with investment bank balance sheets is that on the left side nothing is right and on the right side nothing is left. There are 30 billion prime numbers below 700 billion. The rest are all subprime. How do you define optimism? A banker who irons 5 shirts on a Sunday. Why are all MBAs going back to school? To ask for their mo

THE Mack

He's the CEO of our firm, and will be remembered for long for his fight to keep the firm from going under.. A lot of others did with he did too, just that he was successful (unlike Fuld) and in the direct firing line also longer (unlike Lloyd).. and he pulled through! Hats off to John the Mack.. Having been in the firm through its worst times, have seen this leader at work.. and he is brilliant! What does come across quite strongly is his humour, as well as the strength that he portrays, even in those very tough times... This link below is a lecture he gave at Wharton, about leadership.. An interesting lecture for anyone who wants to get an insider view to what all happened during those months in the banking industry.. Wharton leadership lecture by John Mack

Cricket Quotes

Here are some (emotional) quotes from a function to honour the Fab Four of Indian Cricket (Tendulkar, Dravid, Ganguly, Kumble)....... Kumble on Sachin “You’ve had the challenge to prove everybody right, I had the challenge to prove everybody wrong...” Sourav on himself: "“Over the past 12-13 years I’ve made good friends and made some enemies, but it was all for the good of Indian cricket and, hopefully, you’ve enjoyed walking the path with me.” Kumble on Sourav: “Enjoy the last four days (of Test cricket)... You’ve been fantastic and it’s under you that we learnt to win Tests abroad,”


Here are some random quotes collected over a period of time.. they are not mine, and if someone knows who to attribute these to, will do so...Will put up some more as and when I get time.... ........... (MY FAVORITE, CAN CALL IT MY MOTTO IN LIFE..) Sair kar duniya ki Ghalib, zindagani fir kahan.... Zindagani gar rahe bhi sahi, naujawani fir kahan.....?? wah wah wah.. ........... As we were getting ready to say good-bye, I looked at him and seen tears in his eyes, I had no idea how much it was hurting him to watch me walk away, But there was nothing I could do or say, So I held my head up and and tried to be strong, Little did I know I'd have to put him in my past and move on, How am I suppose to put all the memories behind me, It's not all that easy, My head's telling me to let him go, My mind is telling me to hold on just a little longer, I guess what doesn't kill you only makes you stronger. ........... "Forgiving a terrorist is left to GOD. But fixing the

Mumbai Dyeing

Ever wondered why Bombay Times is still "Bombay" Times? I did.. and then realised that it will always be so.. The honourable Mr. Raj Thackeray prefers to impose his passion for converting 'Bombay's to 'Mumbai's, only on the weak ones.. He would not dare to take on the might of a publishing house.. He prefers to just bully the taxi drivers and the restaurant owners and the Karan Johars (who have business reasons for keeping him happy).... But not anyone who can stand up to him.... Makes you wonder, does that mean that the powerful ones (like the media) can actually challenge him, and even control him? Would they? We never may know...

First post

This is my first post in this random blogsite.. anything goes, anything good, anything funny, anything timepass!!