Some of my favourite artworks
Here are a few art pieces over the years, which have stayed with me. Along with the story linked to it. I am also including some sculptures and handicraft pieces which I really liked. This is of course a small subsection of art I have liked over the years, depending on whether I remembered and/or was allowed to take a photo of them. Going forward I plan to be more diligent in capturing such art which draws me, and posting them here... Whistlejacket Whistlejacket by George Stubbs, or just 'the horse', National Museum, London (UK), 2004 This painting of a horse is a huge one and sits amid many paintings of the Renaissance era, with very different subjects. Somehow, it had made a very strong impact on me, the first time I saw it in 2004. And its maybe the first painting I really liked and remembered. When I was exploring possibly my first non-Indian museum ever. The painting wasn't by any of the masters like Da Vinci and Reubens and so on. But it still stuck with...