
Showing posts from August, 2020

The need to slow down...

Ask yourself a few questions today  Do you feel your mind is always whirring, always running? Jumping from one to the next to-do? Planning the day ahead without pausing enough for the moment now? Even when you are ‘relaxing’? Do you feel you are always running to deadlines, whether at work, or even in personal life? Even when you may not have to?  Do you sometimes feel guilty when you have free time, and you don’t do something ‘productive’ with it?  Do you feel a pressure to always multi-task? To listen to a book or podcast while running? To read something while in the tube? To do something on your laptop while watching tv? To check your phone while having a conversation with a friend?  Do you find it tough to sit and focus on one task for too long, without your mind wandering somewhere else? Do you find yourself unable to just read a book or exercise, without getting distracted with something else, especially your phone?  Do you find it difficult to stay away from your phone for long?